Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Lewis Elementary PTA is committed to the principles of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. The PTA recognizes diversity in race, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, neurodiversity and socio-economic status as assets that build and sustain a positive educational environment. We recognize that different people will have different needs at different times and we believe in supporting all of our students and families in pursuing their needs. We acknowledge the existence of discrimination and of white supremacy culture and work to co-create a community that is safe, supportive, inclusive and celebrates all of our differences equally. We recognize that a history of genocide can not be properly acknowledged with a statement. We wish to acknowledge however that - to our understanding - our school stands on the tribal lands of the Cowlitz, The Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde and the Clackamas people.

If you have questions about the JEDI team not addressed in our FAQ below, or have ideas or resources to share with the team, please reach out to LewisElementaryJEDI@gmail.com.
Below is a growing list of resources that have been discussed at JEDI Team meetings and/or shared via our email list.
Read: "What Happened When My School Started to Dismantle White Supremacy Culture" by Principal Joe Truss
Read: "White Supremacist Culture" by Tema Okun
Other Ways to Get Involved
Join the JEDI Team email list. Members of the email list help to plan monthly meetings and engage in conversations in between meetings. Joining the email list does not obligate you to come to every meeting. To be added to the list, email LewisElementaryJEDI@gmail.com.
Volunteer for specific projects. Keep an eye on Lewis Elementary emails for calls from the JEDI Team for volunteers! We rely on community participation to support events such as the Lewis Pride Parade and other activities throughout the year.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the JEDI Team do? Members of the JEDI Team work together to plan and participate in activities that further the team's mission. This includes sharing and discussing resources related to justice, equity, diversity, or inclusion and planning events or activities that celebrate the diversity of the Lewis Community.
How do I join the JEDI Team? Anyone in the Lewis Elementary community is welcome to join the JEDI team. There is no formal membership application or dues. Members participate by coming to a meeting, joining our email list, or volunteering for a specific project. If you have additional ideas for ways you'd like to be involved with the team, please let us know, using co-chair contact info above!
What is the difference between the JEDI Team and the PTA? The Lewis PTA provides the JEDI Team with access to their Zoom account for our meetings and has allocated a portion of their budget to support JEDI Team activities. The JEDI Team co-chairs attend PTA board meetings in order to keep the PTA updated on JEDI activities and to support the PTA in ensuring their activities are accessible and inclusive. The JEDI Team is not governed by PTA by-laws and the PTA board does not determine our activities.
Can I join the team if I'm not able to make it to every meeting? Yes! We hope to see you at a meeting, but we understand scheduling can be difficult. Joining our email list is a great way to get involved even if you can't make it to every meeting.
Are JEDI Team meetings recorded? No. JEDI Team meetings include opportunities for members to share personal stories and engage in vulnerable conversations. Out of respect for the privacy of those attending, we do not record these conversations. You can view notes from our meetings here.
How are JEDI Team meeting agendas decided? JEDI Team meeting agendas are determined by the co-chairs and community members who have opted into our email list. Meeting agendas are shared with the larger Lewis community in advance of meetings via the school newsletter and dedicated JEDI Team emails. We welcome feedback on these agendas or additional ideas for topics to cover or resources to discuss.