Last year the PTA raised $5500 by recycling bottles and cans!
Pick up a blue bag from the Little Free Library, fill it with CLEAN mixed cans & bottles and drop off on Thursdays.
We collect full blue bags at the front entrance of the school on Evergreen every THURSDAY morning between 8:30-9:00 am. We will drive them to the bottle drop location for you.
You can also turn the bags in yourself at any BottleDrop location. One is located only 2 miles from Lewis - SE King and SE Linwood. Use the barcode on the blue bag to scan, open the deposit door, throw the bag in, and Lewis gets the money.
Check out for a full list of locations and for details on which containers are worth $.10 each for Lewis.
Proceeds from our BottleDrop Fundraiser helps to support our Lewis Community. Please continue to drop off those blue bags! Every can and bottle helps!